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Nel Aerts

28.11.2015/31.01.2016 - Billenkoek, KIOSK, Ghent, Belgium, solo exhibition (opening 27.11.2015, 8pm)

20.09/14.02.2016 - Wrijving van gedachten / Antwerpen-Zundert, Vincent van GoghHuis, Zundert, The Netherlands, group exhibition

10/12.12015 - Vincent van GoghHuis, Zundert, The Netherlands, residency

03.10/31.10.2015 - Nel Aerts, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition (opening 10.10.2015, 6pm)

25.09/18.12.2015 - kunstINgang #3, Cultuurcentrum, Merksem, Belgium, solo exhibition

17.07/09.08.2015 - Before the food fight, Chocoladefabriek, Tongeren, Belgium, group exhibition

09.07/14.08.2015 - Character Traits, Asya Gaisberg Gallery, New York, US, group exhibition

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

04.06/04.07.2015 - Comic Relief, Levy.Delval, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition

05.07.2015 - GRAMM restaurant, Brussels, Belgium, presentation of a new edition published by MOREpublishers

30.04/02.08.2015, Inhabitations, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland, group exhibition

24.04/27.04.2015, solo exhibition as part of Lieven Segers & Frank Koolen's 120 minuten project, Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

07.03/18.04.2015 - Six possibilities in painting (int.), Galerie Bernhard, Zürich, Switzerland, group exhibition

25.02.2015 - Lecture, Sint Lucas, Antwerpen, Belgium

11.02/21.03.2015 - Blue Pink Black, Carl Freedman Gallery, London, UK, group exhibition

28.09.2014/04.01.2015 - De vierkantigste rechthoek (curated by Tom Barman), Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, NL, group exhibition

18.09.2014/01.02.2015 - Europe, Europe (curated by H.O. Obrist, T. Boutoux and G. B. Kvaran), Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, NO, group exhibition


Jakup Auce

11.12/13.12.2015 - RENDERTIME, In de ruimte, Ghent, Belgium, group exhibition

24.10/25.10.2015 - Some bizarre, 24 avenue de l'hippodrome, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition

12.09/24.10.2015 - Anger Management, KOMPLOT, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition

29.08/25.10.2015 - TRUST, Copenhagen Art Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark, group exhibition

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

24.04-27.04.2015, Zig Zag, Frederic De Goldschmidt Collection, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition

18.04/23.05.2015 - Cinnamon, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, group exhibition

12.03/09.05.2015 - Lazy Boy, Nosbaum Reding, Luxembourg, solo exhibition

03.12/07.12.2014, The Exchange Miami (curated by Komplot), UNTITLED Art Fair Miami Beach, Miami, US, group exhibition


Charif Benhelima

05.12.2015/07.04.2016 - Charif Benhelima. Polaroids 1998-2012, Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba, solo exhibition5.12.2015/07.04.2016 -

07.11/28.11.2015 - Hidden Archive, Charif Benhelima, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition (opening 07.11.2015, 6pm)

15.10/06.12.2015 - [on]voltooid verleden tijd, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leuven, Belgium, group exhibition

09.10/08.11.2015 - # 4 Biennale de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, group exhibition

21.06/21.09.2015 - Beyond borders, Fifth edition of Beaufort, triennial of contemporary art by the sea, Belgium, group exhibition


Vaast Colson

04.12.15/07.02.2016 -  Unterseeboot über Malermeister, De Garage, Mechelen, Belgium, group exhibition

03.12/06.12.2015 - Copies, Coca and a Cowboy's Sac, Vansteensel & De Caigny Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition

28.11.15/31.01.2016 - Rollende Koppen, Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium, exhibition with Dennis Tyfus en Gerard Herman

21.11/20.12.15 - Facing You, Kunsthuis Yellow Art, Geel, Belgium, group exhibition (performance with Dennis Tyfus, 20.11.2015, 8pm)

24.10/27.03.2016 - Pom' po pon po pon pon pom pon, Middelheimmuseum, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

25.09/25.10.2015 - Colsi toont Kippy en zichzelf, Galerie S&S, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition

22.09/01.10.2015 - 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russian Federation, group exhibition

11.09/13.09.2015 - Artists Print IV, BRASS Cultural Centre, Brussels, Belgium, art book fair

03.09.2015 - Hidden Agenda, Vansteensel & De Caigny Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, duo exhibition with Dennis Tyfus

03.09/26.09.2015 - Op de bonnefooi, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition (opening 03.09.2015, 6pm)

28.08/30.08.2015 - Truken van luie sjarel, Stadslimiet, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition together with Dennis Tyfus 

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

15.05/14.06.2015, Very Good/Good/Not So Good/Bad, 1646, The Hague, The Netherlands, solo exhibition

04.05/12.06.2015, Hello M_ster Kozaric, MSU-Museum for Contemporary Art, Zagreb, Croatia, residency project

24.04/27.04.2015, solo exhibition as part of Lieven Segers & Frank Koolen's 120 minuten project, Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

04.04/26.04.2015 - Voor(bij) woorden, M HKA Extra Muros, Herzele & Ressegem, Belgium, group exhibition

26.03.2015 - Artist talk at CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium

25.02.2015 - Artist talk on Clean press and editions, Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium

19.02/19.04.2015 - Positie kiezen, Emergent, Veurne, Belgium, group exhibition

14.02 - 26.04.2015 - Mixed Emotions, Cultuurcentrum Mechelen, Mechelen, Belgium, group exhibition

24.01/19.04.2015 - Hotel Echo Tango Whisky Echo Romeo Kilo Tango, CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium, solo exhibition

31.01/01.01.2015 - Chambre d'O, Ostende, Belgium

29.01/01.02.2015 - The Image Generator, participating together with Eric Thielemans as MONIKER, Extra City, Antwerp, Belgium

17.01/17.02.2015 - No Walls Expo, Fenixloods, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, group exhibition

16.01/18.01.2015 - BCC 2015 (booth Trampoline), Brussels, Belgium, solo exhibition

25.10.2014/19.04.2015 - DE ZEE - salut d'honneur Jan Hoet, Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium, group exhibition

12.10.2014/12.01.2015 - Emoties, Gemeentemuseum Helmond, Helmond, The Netherlands, group exhibition


Simon Davenport

03.09.2015 - New Pabulum, Kunstraum, London, United Kingdom, duo exhibition with Aline Bouvy

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

02.05/03.05.2015, Open Source, Gillett Square, London, United Kingdom, group exhibition

03.04/05.04.2015, STCFTHOTS, Leeds, United Kingdom, group exhibition


Stefaan Dheedene

02.10.2015, MER. Station 17: A New Spirit in Booking, Cultuurcentrum, Strombeek, Belgium, group exhibition

24.09/27.09.2015 - P/ART Producers Art Fair (invited by POPPOSITIONS), Hamburg, Germany, group exhibition

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

.24.04/27.04.2015, THINGS FOR TWO AND THINGS DONE TWICE, Poppositions, Brussels, Belgium, solo project


Gerard Herman

03.01.2016 (4pm & 5.30pm) - Mijne Gallerist is ne Fransen Tist, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, representation

17.12.2015 - BOB's YOUR UNCLE, Kunstverein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, concert

16.12.2015 - The Drawing Incident, Sint-Lukas, Ghent, Belgium, lecture (7.30pm)

21.11/20.12.15 - Facing You, Kunsthuis Yellow Art, Geel, Belgium, group exhibition (opening 20.11.2015, 8pm)

03.10.2015 - Bitte nicht wecken, LLS 387, Antwerp, Belgium, art event

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

31.05/04.10.2015 - Blickachsen 10, Sculpture Biennale, Bad Homburg and Frankfurt RheinMain, Germany, group exhibition

21.05/23.05.2015, Friendly takeover, PACT Zollverein, Essen, Germany, group exhibition curated by Beursschouwburg

23.04-25.04.2015 - De Biënnale van België, Ghent, Belgium, group exhibition

24.04/27.04.2015, solo exhibition as part of Lieven Segers & Frank Koolen's 120 minuten project, Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

04.04/25.04.2015 - Bijna letterlijk dweilen met de kraan weliswaar dicht, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition

28.09.2014/04.01.2015 - De vierkantigste rechthoek (curated by Tom Barman), Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, NL, group exhibition


Sanam Khatibi

14.01.2016/13.02.2016 - Balls Glory, Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition

12.09/04.10.2015 - Louise186, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition (opening: 11.09.2015, 6pm)

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

02.05/30.05.2015 - Ask me nicely, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition (opening 30.04.2015, 6pm)

17.03/28.03.2015 - Palourdes cuites, Christopher Crescent, Brussels, Belgium, group exhibition

16.01.2015/02.2015 - Every Day I'm..., Harlan Levey Projects, Brussels, BE, group exhibition


Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir

17.01/14.02.2016 - atlantis na plato, croxhapox, Ghent, Belgium, group exhibition

13.11/07.12.2015 - It takes two to make an accident, HISK, Ghent, Belgium, group exhibition

2015 - And It Doesn't Matter if the Phone Rings, Center for Creative Industries FABRIKA, 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russian Federation, group exhibition

04.07/01.08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

29.05/01.06.2015 - Open Studios 2015, HISK, Ghent, Belgium

21.05/23.05.2015, Friendly takeover, PACT Zollverein, Essen, Germany, group exhibition curated by Beursschouwburg

16.05.2015 - Stykkisholmi, Iceland, group exhibition

24.04/27.04.2015, solo exhibition as part of Lieven Segers & Frank Koolen's 120 minuten project, Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

06.03/28.03.2015 - Introduction of a sculpture - When the depth of this is thought a little bit longer, it becomes endless at the moment we forgot what we were thinking about..., trampoline, Antwerp, BE, solo exhibition (opening: 06.03.2015, 6pm)

06.02/19.04.2015 - Just Painted 1, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland, group exhibition


Sine Van Menxel

04.07/01/08.2015 - Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

09.10/01.11.2014 - Fencing a piece of time, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition (opening 04.10.2014, 6pm)


Leen Voet

04.07/01.08.2015, Me, Myself and I, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, group exhibition

03.06.2015, Look who's talking, WIELS, Brussels, visit of the exhibition Un-Scene III with Leen Voet and Kasper Bosmans (in Dutch)

29.05/09.08.2015, Un-Scene III, WIELS, Brussels, group exhibition

25.03/24.05.2015, Aandacht! Aandacht!, De Warande, Turnhout, Belgium, group exhibition

04.12/27.12.2014, M & A, trampoline, Antwerp, Belgium, solo exhibition

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