18.10.2018, 6.00 p.m.
Gerard Herman & Stefaan Dheedene
Storm in een glas water
opening solo exhibition
06.09.2018, 6.00 p.m.
(s)he was the picasso of passive-aggressive karate
opening solo exhibition
25.05.2018, 6pm
twee linkerhanden en andere werken
Opening solo exhibition
28.04.2018, 7pm
Adult Thumbsucker’s Digest
Finissage solo exhibition
14.10.2017, 10am-6pm
Actions by Gerard Herman & wwh at*
New books by Gerard Herman
New work by Ken Verhoeven
26.08.2017, 4-11pm
I think there's very little likelihood that oysters, mussels and clams have any consciousness so it's defendable to eat
Exhibition on view from 03.08.2017
Cocktail-finissage on 26.08.2017
28.06.2017, 8.30-11pm
Quentin Noirfalisse
Le Ministre des Poubelles
Projection of Quentin Noirfalisse's documentary movie about Emmanuel Botalatala.
10.06.2017, 6-9pm
Emmanuel Botalatala
L'Afrique sait innover
Finissage solo exhibition Menig mening mengt zich melig in de menigte, tussen hoed en schoen

15.10.2016, 10am-6pm
Presentation on the occasion Antwerp Academy Art Book Fair of a publication with sketches made during his residency at WIELS, Brussels (and with a commissioned text by Caroline Dumalin)
21.05.2016, 2-6pm
Leen Voet
Presentation of Leen Voet's new artist book on the occasion of the Antwerp Art Weekend.
Next Level
Sindy (Elke Van Kerckoorde & Dieter Durinck) will present a new series of works on the occasion of the Next Level project during the Antwerp Art Weekend.
11.05.2016, 7.30pm
Presentation of Gerard Herman's new publication, Allemaal Gedichten, published by Het Balanseer.
17.03.2016, 6-9pm
PLOP: presentation of a new edition on the occasion of the so-called Nocturne
of the Antwerp galleries.
28.01.2016, 6-9pm
Presentation of a new edition on the occasion of the so-called Nocturne of the Antwerp galleries.
26.12.2015, 5pm
Guy Rombouts
Drawing action on the occasion of the last days of Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson's solo exhibition at trampoline.
03.01.2016, 4pm, 5.30pm & 7pm
Mijne Gallerist is ne Fransen Tist
Theatre performance to celebrate the New Year. Reserve your seat for the performance at 7pm by sending an email to: trampolinegallery@gmail.com
03.12.2015, 6pm
Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson
Opening solo exhibition wazig zien, zachte kleur, maar snelle handbewegingen
17.10.2015, 10am-6pm
Sine Van Menxel - Four editions
Four editions released on the occasion of the second edition of the Antwerp Academy Art Book Fair.
03.10.2015, 5pm
Vaast Colson - The truth about the rumours
Closing event solo exhibition Op de bonnefooi
30.05.2015, 6pm
Closing event exhibition Sanam Khatibi
Talk with Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven and Simon Delobel about topics like femininity, exhibitionism or cultural memory.
28.03.2015, 5pm
Johanna Kristbjorg Sigurdardottir
Finissage of her exhibition, with talk/performance and presentation of the exhibition booklet
29.01.2015, 6-9pm
Simon Davenport
Opening solo exhibition
Followed by a concert of Octagon court at café Apropos
27.12.2014, 2-6pm
Meet & Greet
Meet-and-greet with the artists of the gallery. Join us on this very last day to see Leen Voet's M & A exhibition and enjoy a piece of cake of the local bakery
29.11.2014, 8pm
Simon Davenport
Noumenal menagerie
Performance on the occasion of the end of
Nel Aerts' solo exhibition Doppelgänger,
to announce Simon Davenport's own solo exhibition at trampoline. New musical composition by Charles Audsley and film screening.
25.10.2014, 8-10pm
A dessein
Vaast Colson about his drawing activities.
On the occasion of the BIG DRAW
27.09.2014, 8pm
Emmanuel Botalatala
Artist talk on the occasion of the finissage
of Stefaan Dheedene's solo exhibition
18.08.2014, 8-10pm
Opening of a group exhibition
with all trampoline artists
at Stadslimiet, Antwerp
Ernest Van Dijckkaai 4, 2000 Antwerp
Exhibition open until 27.08.2014
on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 8-10pm
31.05.2014, 7.30pm
Samenwerkende kunstenaars in het verleden, de economische noodzaak en de artistieke weerslag
Lecture by Dr. Peter Carpreau,
Head of the department of Old Masters at
M - Museum Leuven
08.05.2014, 6-9pm
Vaast Colson & Dennis Tyfus
Opening of the exhibition Radikaal & Radikaler
12.04.2014, 6-9pm
nY / Vincent Geyskens
Launch 21st issue of the literary magazine nY
C.C. Krijgelmans & Matthijs de Ridder read De Nieuwe Speurders + presentation of the collages made by Vincent Geyskens for the magazine
05.04.2014, 6-9pm
Jakup Auce
Art at the End of the Social
(opening solo exhibition Jakup Auce)
06.03.2014, 6-9pm
Marijke De Roover
(opening solo exhibition Marijke De Roover)
31.01.2014, 6-9pm
Vincent Geyskens
De Gouden Dageraad
(opening solo exhibition Vincent Geyskens)
Gerard Herman
Just a Gigolo
(musical event)